In everything in life there is an opposite; there is yin and yang, night and day, combs have brushes. When most think of flats, they think of a happy alternative to heels. Flat shoes are considered a safe haven for the feet, or so most people think.

There are floors that can be considered too flat and cause more harm than good. They do not provide adequate arch support, cushioning, or shock absorption, which all feet need, especially those with flat feet. Without that support, you can get inflammation, tendonitis, heel pain, sprains. Ballerinas or folding ballerinas are very common in the lack of support.

Overcompensating with too much cushioning, like certain running shoes for example, can be just as bad. When there is a lot of cushion, your brain doesn’t get direct feedback from your foot because your sense of the ground is lost, which can cause stress injuries, especially in the heel.

Flip flops are also on the list of precautions. Most are too flat, too thin, and too open. This exposes the foot to the environment and provides no arch support or cushioning.

The strap between the toes is also dangerous, it forces the toe muscles to grip too hard. Also, when the big toe hangs out of the flip-flop, the risk of toe fractures increases. The risk of splinters or other foot injuries is greater when the feet are exposed. People with diabetes should not wear flip-flops, because simple cuts and scrapes can lead to serious complications.

The solution is here.

For flip flops, you can try fitted flip flops for arch support, and the height of the sole better protects your foot from outside dirt.

If you love the look of ballet shoes, over-the-counter shoe inserts can help prevent minor foot pain. Heel pads can provide extra cushioning for sore heels. And custom orthotics can relieve a wide variety of foot pain and problems. Podiatrists prescribe these inserts to provide arch support and reduce pressure on sensitive areas. A visit to your podiatrist would be helpful to find out the pressure points in your foot or where you put most of your weight. If you want to avoid the doctor, Dr. Scholl’s foot pads may be available. If the pain is constant regardless of the insert, a visit to the podiatrist may be beneficial to your health. There may be something deeper than just rear arch support.

Most common causes of foot pain – Caution, ladies!

Plantar fasciitis: an inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs between the heel and the arch of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most common cause of foot pain. It is so common, in fact, that almost everyone will face a case of PF in their lifetime. Certain stressful exercises or constant standing, overtraining, tight calf muscles, flat feet, high arches, weight gain, or jobs that require it can increase the chance of inflammation. It is most common in middle-aged men or women, but anyone can get plantar fasciitis. It is a very easy condition if you are not aware of the stress it puts on your feet.

The pain may present as sharp, dull, aching, or burning. Classic symptoms to watch out for:

– Noticeable heel pain or stiffness in the morning that subsides during the day.

– Pain that goes away when you exercise (as muscles and ligaments warm up and stretch) but returns when you stop exercising.

– Increased pain when climbing stairs or standing on tiptoes.

– Pain after sitting or standing for a long time.

The best ways to relieve or hopefully prevent PF are stretching:

30-second stretches, five times a day.” Foot stretches can help, but it’s much more important to stretch your calf

Always stretch your feet, calves, and Achilles tendon after a workout (or a long day on your feet).

Become aware of the stresses you put on your feet.

– When going distance, walk or run on soft surfaces.

– Alternate activities to avoid overloading the plantar fascia.

– Ice at the first hint of bread.

– Take days off!

– Always wear supportive shoes (or over-the-counter inserts in your non-supportive shoes), whether you’re exercising or not.

– Avoid long periods of walking barefoot or standing. Even at home, try slippers or comfortable shoes.

– If you recently gained weight, became pregnant, or started a new exercise routine, take extra care to support your feet. Sudden changes like these can increase the risk of plantar fasciitis.

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