Mashed potatoes are really delicious and definitely one of the favorite dishes that people love to eat. It is not only consumed on special occasions, such as holidays like Thanksgiving, but it is also an everyday food that people enjoy.

But while mashed potatoes can be really flavorful and delicious and can put a big smile on your face, if you accidentally drop it on your carpet, that smile will instantly flip. This is because mashed potato spills can be very difficult to clean up and will likely take a lot of effort just to try to tidy up your carpet one more time.

Fortunately for you, this is not an impossible task and with the guide below you will surely be able to get your carpet back to normal in no time. Here’s what you’ll need to do to properly clean up a mashed potato spill on your carpet.

• Start by cleaning up any spilled mashed potatoes on your carpet with a spoon and picking it up. Do this repeatedly until all the mashed potato is removed.

• After cleaning the area, the next thing you’ll need to do is create a cleaning solution that will remove the ugly stain from your carpet. It’s actually quite easy as long as you know what to do. Simply combine a teaspoon of bleach-free laundry detergent with a cup of warm water, then put it inside an empty spray bottle and take it to the affected area of ​​the carpet.

• Spray the area several times with the cleaning solution, then wait a few seconds for it to work on the stain. Then use a clean white cloth to slowly blot the stain until it is completely removed. It may take a while, but pretty soon you will be able to get rid of the mashed potato stain on your carpet.

• After removing the stain, your job isn’t done yet. You will still need to rinse the mat with a bit of water to ensure that no residue remains. Residue may not sound threatening to your carpet, but it can build up over time and damage your carpet right under your nose.

• Dry the carpet well with a few clean rags and you’re ready to go.

If you have this problem in your home, try the guide above and have your carpet looking clean in no time.

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