If you’re like me, then just the thought of endless hours of exercise is probably enough to make you sweat. Now, I’m not into working out, but I have to say that I like to look my best and like most guys, I also wish I had some rocking abs. That’s why I’m always looking for ways to shorten my exercise regimen and still get amazing results. And you know what… I think I’ve found the way!

By following a few simple rules and making a few small lifestyle changes, I managed to get a six-pack I could have only dreamed of a few years ago, and what’s more, I did it in just a few months.

So, what amazing steps did I take to transform myself from couch potato to beach-tanned (well, not quite) Adonis? Well, it wasn’t as hard as you might think.

Here are my killer tips for getting that billowy six-pack, even if you’re a couch potato.

Reduce your caloric intake. I learned to cut back on starchy and fatty foods and replaced my 3 big meals a day with lots of smaller meals. By eating more frequently, I actually lost weight faster than by exercising and eating large meals.

I learned the value of staying hydrated. Now I drink about 2 liters of cold water every day: it tastes great and keeps my metabolism at its peak.

I started doing more cardio in short, sharp bursts. My exercise regimen used to be a lot of work on the bike and some running on the treadmill. This was not only boring, but it didn’t seem to do me much good, even when combined with some weight work. Now my entire routine takes me 15 minutes a day and the results have been amazing. Best of all: not a seat in sight!

Early to sleep, early to rise. By getting up earlier in the morning and working out at the beginning of the day, I really saw huge gains. I used to work out at night and couldn’t get to sleep, but worst of all, I would eat when I got home from the gym and then go to bed. By breaking these bad habits, not exercising and definitely not eating before bed, I sleep better at night and have lost weight faster than ever.

So, there are the couch potatoes. There’s no need to put on that leotard and ditch the pizza (although that would actually be a good idea). Just take a few simple steps and implement a few easy lifestyle changes and you’ll notice a big difference in your weight loss. Sure, getting ripped abs takes a bit more work, but even that is much easier to do when you’re not carrying a couple hundred pounds of fat with you.

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