Why is it vital for people with learning difficulties to regularly clear their energy field? How can you help them? How can you improve their lives? And what does NLP have to say on this subject?

Everything is energy, whether we see it or not.

It’s everywhere. Look around you and you’ll find it in nature and in man-made environments. Objects, natural formations, plants, animals and we are held together by energies. And we are energy. And we all have energy. Everything objects do and everything we do requires and produces energy. Resting, sleeping, thinking and relaxing require and produce energy. Cycles in nature are and produce energy. We don’t always see energy, but we feel it. People with learning difficulties are very visual. Visual processing requires and produces physical and mental energy. And when the sense of sight is so strong that it overloads (and therefore weakens) other senses, the power of visual processing is even stronger as a result.

People who have difficulty learning often work harder than people who learn easily. Learning difficulties can cause negative feelings. And negative feelings certainly bring negative energy. Therefore, the energy of negative feelings plus the energy of visual processing can create an energetic bombshell that many people are not ready to handle. Because of this energy accumulates in people with learning difficulties. And the accumulated can trigger a vicious cycle of negativity: pressure to learn, energy spent trying to learn, more difficulty learning, more negative energy…

This buildup of negative energy also applies to people who don’t have learning difficulties. This is the reason why many people have sore legs when they return from work. They can’t explain why. They think “how can my legs hurt when I’ve been sitting all day?” The answer is that the body accumulates negative energy in the legs because that is the furthest place from the brain. You now know that you can clear your legacy energy. Try it. You will see how quickly the pain will disappear.

This is why clearing the energy field is immensely important for people with learning difficulties.

When we regularly clear our energy field, we keep our energy level and balance in check. Clearing old/negative energy balances negative and positive energy. Regular power cleaning also helps tremendously with grounding. Grounding is fantastic relief for people with learning difficulties, because it calms and directs energy. Cleaning our energy field is like brushing our teeth or washing our bodies. And it requires the same discipline and commitment as brushing and washing your teeth. Of course, discipline, commitment, and viewing cleansing our energy as just as important as we view clearing ourselves takes skill and time. If you don’t have the skill yet, you can learn it. Or if the skill doesn’t come naturally to you, practice and it will become second nature. The more often you clear your energy, the happier and healthier you will be.

When you get into the habit of clearing your energy, you will see, hear, and feel amazing benefits in all aspects of life. You will be healthier, happier and more productive. See the benefits of clearing your energy here. And when you feel good energy, you also learn more easily. You can even help others feel better. The next time you hear a baby scream on a plane or train, clear the energy from the plane. You will see what happens. How else can you apply the cleansing of your energy in your life? Can i show you.

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