Can a washing machine really lose its cleaning efficiency? I bet this question has crossed your mind at one point or another. But in reality, the cleaning efficiency of washing machines does not decrease over time unless some parts are really broken.

If your washing machine can no longer dissolve the detergent, naturally it will not produce the same laundry results. If it works completely but doesn’t clean as well as before, there are other reasons that can produce those results:

1. Filling the drum with too much laundry

The washing machine drum can only carry a few kilograms of clothes. If you overstuff, you’re not leaving enough room for clothes to fall out. This is true whether you are using a front-loading or top-loading washer or not. Just make sure your washing machine has enough space to dissolve the detergent and enough space to spin and infuse detergent into the fabric of your clothes effectively.

2. Tap water does not clean

It could be the water you are using. Some detergents are not compatible with tap water. Its ability to clean or even dissolve completely is diminished. This is why it is imperative to start using water filters. Most washers already have built-in filters, in which case you’ll need to replace them from time to time. But if you’re unlucky and bought one that doesn’t have a filter, you can always have your faucet or water fountain installed with one.

3. You are probably using ineffective cleaning materials

If you’re cleaning something with a lot of stains, like dye and blood, don’t expect your washer to get rid of everything just by using detergent. You need special cleaning tools to remove stains and treat your clothes first before adding them to your other laundry.

But of course you also need to take care of your washing machine. She won’t stay in the main roles for long. Wouldn’t you love to see him die much later than much sooner?

Be sure to remove mold, mildew and lime deposits from your washing machine. These also impair the common functions of your washing machine. Also find a good detergent. If you are using a front loader, strictly use HE detergents. It’s just a matter of using the right washing machine and how to care for it properly.

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