You just lost your job. Accept that you may feel disoriented for a while. This is fully expected. Don’t be too hard on yourself the first few weeks after you’ve been laid off. If you accept the emotional, even traumatic, side of the layoff and let it run its course, you will most likely regain the ability to jog much faster than rejecting your emotions.

How best to adapt to your new situation? Three things come to mind: “Do nothing,” mentally disconnect from your former employer, and enjoy your leisure activities as usual.

“Do nothing”

You can enjoy your morning coffee at 10 am You could walk around your neighborhood at 11 am before watching some nonsense TV shows for a laugh at lunchtime. In the afternoon she could catch up on the detective novel that’s been languishing on her porch. Then you could take the kids to soccer instead of your spouse. Just be as lazy or as active as you feel like. There is no right or wrong. You relax and get used to your new status as someone “between jobs” or “starting in a new direction.” In fact, relaxing for a while may be the best method of calming down. At this point, take it easy and don’t stress yourself out thinking about the future.

Mentally disconnect from your former employer

A great way to disassociate yourself from your former employer and let it go is to avoid contact with your former coworkers at the office, unless they are close friends of yours. You must realize that the old company is now history. Every contact you make, every minute you spend commiserating with those who were laid off or still employed there is only extending your agony. Resist the urge to keep your disappointment or anger at your former employer alive and prevent it from moving quickly.

The best thing to do is “declare victory.” You do this by telling yourself that you had a good time with your former employer; You met some great people, had a good career, made some good money, learned some new tricks… and now you’re ready for better things.

Sit on your couch, close your eyes, and review the past few months or years at your former employer. Think about the laughs he had, the successful things he made happen at work. Then close this chapter forever. Feel satisfied that you had a good job and still have a roof and shelter… unlike many others in the world. Count your blessings. Your job is gone, but your life is not over. You will find another job since you had one before. There is no need to despair.

Enjoy your leisure activities as usual

There is no reason for you to stop doing your usual leisure activities. Pursuing what you like in terms of sports, cultural or social activities is even more important now: mix and mingle, be active. Having continuity in your life should help you regain your emotional balance. Don’t stay at home all day and hide. Go out and enjoy life as much as you can.

Doing these three activities for a week or even a few weeks should help you put the past behind you. Please note, however, that this adjustment period should eventually come to an end. There are so many other important things to do after job loss.

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