How a Commercial Roof Can Be Made

Many commercial buildings are focused on energy efficiency through methods like solar panels and updating HVAC systems. However, one method that often goes overlooked is the roof itself. Adding a reflective coating to the roof is an effective way of making a building more energy-efficient. The sun’s rays are reflected rather than absorbed, which cuts down on cooling costs and stress to the HVAC system.

The gentle drumming of raindrops on Commercial Roofing provides a pleasing, nostalgic sound for many people. But these roofs are much more than a source of pleasant music. They also have excellent energy efficiency and longevity compared to asphalt shingle roofs. Unlike shingles, which absorb the sun’s heat, metal roofing reflects the solar energy that contributes to rooftop radiant heat, resulting in a 10-25% reduction in cooling costs. Lighter-colored metals reflect even more solar radiation than dark shingles, which are better at absorbing the heat.

Metal roofs are also fire resistant, which is especially important in cold climates. Moreover, their lightweight design puts less stress on the home’s structure. Combined with effective insulation, they provide an excellent thermal barrier. In addition, they are easily installed over an existing roof. They are also recyclable when they reach the end of their service life. These roofs have become a popular choice for homeowners, with good reason. They can last 40 to 70 years and are more environmentally friendly than shingles.

How a Commercial Roof Can Be Made More Energy-Efficient

Flat roofs may garner design awards for their edgy, modern looks, but they’re also increasingly becoming popular for their energy efficiency. That’s because flat or low-sloped roofs can be built with rigid insulation, whereas pitched roofs can only be insulated at the edge.

Building professionals can use various types of Barrie Roofing coatings to boost a flat roof’s energy efficiency. For example, a roof coated with a reflective cool roofing membrane helps to keep internal temperatures low by reflecting sunlight and keeping the sun’s heat from reaching the inner structure.

Additionally, because flat roofs lack slopes, they are easier to access and maintain. This means that building owners can climb up to perform regular inspections, clear debris, and make minor repairs with less hassle than with a sloped roof. That can help to reduce maintenance costs, further lowering energy bills. Plus, when used appropriately, a flat roof can serve as a relaxing area for employees and guests to relax during breaks or after work hours.

Shaded surfaces are able to reflect heat back into the atmosphere, rather than absorbing it and raising indoor temperatures. The cooling system does not have to work as hard, and energy bills are lower. Metal roofs provide a great opportunity for energy efficiency, and lighter-colored materials are better suited to reflecting sunlight and keeping top floors cooler.

In new construction and remodeling projects, horizontal shading devices can be effective on south elevations. However, they do not protect from the low-angled afternoon sun or morning light on east and west facades. A more dynamic shading solution for these facades is a movable PCM shutter. This shading device can be filled with PCMs (such as paraffin wax, salt hydrates or bio-based) that change their melting point when they are heated. The resulting thermal shift can be used to reduce and shift summer solar loads.

The large black solar panels that you see on roofs contain a series of solar cells that absorb sunlight and convert it to electricity. These are made of silicon semiconductors that create electric currents when light passes through them. They also have a layer of protective glass that allows the sun to reach them without damaging them.

Name : Barrie Roofing & Repair Contractors 

Address: 279 Yonge St, Barrie, ON,  L4N 7T9 P.O Box#23013

Phone: 705-999-7628

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