If we have learned anything through the pandemic, we have realized that we need to be more intentional in our meetings, especially face-to-face ones.

For many, working from home has shown us the benefits of these arrangements:

  • fewer trips
  • more comfort
  • more convenience
  • More productivity (sometimes!)

It is not true for all situations, but it is true for many. Enough to consider a combined work arrangement for the future.

It means that meeting in the future, in person, in small or large groups, is going to have to be for a VERY good reason if we’re going to get out of our sweatpants and slippers.

There are major benefits to face-to-face meetings, especially for teams, and they’re all biochemical:

oxytocin: is the feel-good neurotransmitter we receive from human contact (a handshake, a hug, a pat on the back). It is also released in tight-knit teams and moments of connection. These moments are best nurtured in person. We can use all of our subconscious body language sensors to indicate intimacy and trust. And when we’re in physical proximity, our neurochemistry can sync up, especially if those teams have strong systems and a structure around the interactions to create team safety.

serotonin– Another feel-good neurotransmitter that is activated by recognition and elevation of status. When our boss or colleagues recognize us, or when we see others being recognized, we experience a surge of serotonin and a wonderful sense of well-being washes over us. Being around others physically amplifies the sensation.

dopamine: That’s the little buzz we get when completing a task, doing something, finding something, recognizing a pattern, or solving a problem. When we do this together, the hum is electric and amplified.

endorphins: Aside from exercise and sex (use your judgment on the appropriateness of these in the workplace!), we get a ton of endorphins when we cry and when we laugh. When this happens collectively, the relief after the release creates a sense of connection that is extraordinary.

cortisol and adrenaline: These are stress hormones designed for quick bursts of energy during times of intense stress or activity. It can trigger survival responses (not good for teamwork).

norepinephrine: similar to cortisol and adrenaline in its effect. It’s the same feeling whether we see something as threatening or exciting. Pro tip: Reframe an experience as exciting rather than threatening, and you’ll stay in a productive state.

So when planning your meetings, as a CEO, here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Every meeting has a purpose.
  • Every meeting has meaning.
  • Every meeting has feelings.

We need to cultivate ripples of meaning and feeling at every meeting. This is the art of being a neuroleader!

Here are four meeting types to master:

Cultural Meetings

These are the best for increasing oxytocin and serotonin. Design activities to:

  • Celebration
  • Community
  • Access

strategy meetings

These are better for norepinephrine and dopamine – building excitement and finding solutions and patterns. Explore:

  • Team and business purpose.
  • Potential of the ability and capacity of the team.
  • Possibility of new team and business achievements.

change meetings

These are best for relieving the stress hormones of cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine when faced with the unknown. Articulate with others:

  • Gap between now and the next.
  • Map through the gap.
  • Message to guide us.

Productivity Meetings

These are great for dopamine and norepinephrine – finding solutions, getting tractions and moving on. Create activities for:

  • Problem resolution
  • Schedule
  • marking progress

Meetings that are just for updates? Seriously, we have better things to do with our time. Unless we are having a meeting that is purposeful, meaningful, and Neurochemically charged experience, don’t bother.

What meetings are you planning? How can you make them more powerful with the intentional amplification of biochemicals?


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