Keep your chin up pregnant mommy! Bed rest happens to all of us and if you have hip pain, there are steps you can take to ease your aches and pains.

Feel more comfortable with some of these helpful tips I’ve collected; they really work!

Support, support, pillows and even more support!

Unfortunately, this hip pain you are experiencing comes with the territory for bed rest. You can’t lie on your stomach as it’s very uncomfortable and terribly unsafe while you’re pregnant, and your doctor will tell you not to sleep on your stomach either, as it reduces blood flow to your uterus, and we know that’s basic.

This leaves… lying on its side, as a very limited option. Unfortunately, the weight of his belly is pulling on his back and hips, causing the pain he is experiencing.

Stocking up on pillows, of all shapes and sizes, specialty pillows for pregnant moms and full-size body pillows will help alleviate this discomfort when strategically placed. Support your body and consult with your doctor about the best support practices for your level of bed rest.

Discuss exercise options with your doctor

Being sedentary for such a long period of time can cause unwanted pain for pregnant mothers on bed rest. However, a healthy and safe amount of sitting exercises can greatly reduce your aches and pains.

Seek the advice of your obstetrician to find out what your exercise allowances are and make a daily routine for yourself. I suggest you specifically ask about resistance bands and stress balls, as they are tremendously effective tools to use while sitting.

Use the natural calming that heat provides

Heat Therapy is one of my favorite solutions for any type of hip pain; it is calming, warm and relaxing. Plus, it can soothe hard-to-relief areas no matter which position you try or which pillow you buy.

If you’re on bed rest and have a problem area, try a heating pad that contours to your body, soothes tight muscles, and even combats pain associated with Braxton Hicks contractions. If you are concerned that your body temperature will get too high, keep in mind that these heating pads will only heat a very specific part of your body and should not overheat you. Just be careful not to fall asleep with the pad plugged in.

When necessary… reach for pain relievers

In cases where you are experiencing extreme amounts of hip pain and discomfort that cannot be relieved by any other method, discuss the option of pain relievers with your doctor. However, do not take any type of pain reliever or medication without the proper consent of your doctor. While you are pregnant, it is imperative that your medication intake is monitored at all times by certified physicians. This is especially important while you are on bed rest.

Other pain relief options

Do your research and consider these other hip pain relief options that are becoming increasingly popular with expecting moms and doctors alike.

Seek chiropractic care; Get strategic!

· Prenatal Massage; Oooh! Doesn’t that sound lovely?

· Stretching in bed; Stretching helps everything, right?

· Acupuncture; She’s been doing the job throughout history!

· A nice warm bath in Epsom salts. I have been known to use 2-4lbs in the bathroom; ahhh-relaxing!

Don’t just lie down and put up with the pain during your pregnancy, mom! This is supposed to be a fun and exciting time for you; you are pregnant! Take matters into your own hands and try these simple solutions to relieve hip pain during bed rest.

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