Staff development is defined as improving the knowledge and skills of employees within an organization by providing them with training.

Organizations that invest in staff development have found that it improves efficiency, improves productivity, ensures continuity of institutional knowledge, reduces turnover, lowers costs, improves employee morale, and increases employee job satisfaction. Staff development can also give the organization greater scheduling flexibility and can lead to operational improvements.

Staff development can take many forms, as the following tables illustrate:

Staff development carried out within the organization


A deliberate pairing of a more skilled/experienced person with a less skilled/experienced person, with the mutually agreed goal of the latter growing and developing specific job competencies or organizational knowledge.

observation of professionals

Working with another employee who may have a different job on hand, may have something to teach, or may help the person following you learn new aspects of the job, the organization, certain behaviors, or competencies.

job rotation

Employees move between two or more jobs on a planned basis. The goal is to expose employees to different experiences and develop a wider variety of skills to improve job satisfaction and empower them.

committee assignments

Interdepartmental committees work on a particular assignment, either permanently or temporarily.

training programs

Formal skill-building learning sessions in organization-sponsored classroom workshops.

Staff development carried out within the organization

Special teams or working groups

Interdepartmental teams formed with the special purpose of working on any specific project or finding a solution to a very critical problem.

e-learning programs

Training modules available through an online learning system.

Leadership development programs

A series of leadership programs for select employees with leadership potential. This may consist of scheduled formal training programs, as well as a work project assignment to address an organizational problem.

Brown Bag/Lunch and Learning Sessions

Training provided during lunch hours. Employees bring their own lunches to the meeting.

Book discussion groups

Groups of people who meet regularly to discuss books that all members have read.

On-the-job staff development

on the job training

One-on-one training located in the workplace, where someone who knows how to do a task shows another how to do it.

job enrichment

Assign additional responsibility normally reserved for higher-level employees.

cross training

Teaching an employee who was hired to perform one job function the skills required to perform other job functions

Stretch assignment

A project or task assigned to employees that is beyond their current knowledge or skill level that places them in uncomfortable situations to learn and grow.


Two or more employees work together to reflect on current practices; expand, refine and develop new skills; share ideas; teach each other; conduct research; or solve problems in the workplace.

staff meetings

The staff learn from each other. Short skills development sessions can be incorporated into staff meeting time.

Staff development conducted outside the organization


An extended period of leave, often one year in length, taken by an employee to carry out projects not otherwise associated with the employee’s job. The employer may pay part or all of the wages that would otherwise have been earned or part or all of the expenses incurred.

active learning

Small groups of colleagues come together over time to address real problems or issues in order to get things done; reflecting and learning with and from their experience and from each other as they try to make a difference.

Professional associations

Opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills, as well as learn how other organizations handle similar problems at regular conferences and meetings.

Academic programs

Degree or non-degree programs. Some organizations bring an instructor to the workplace and provide paid time off for employees to attend. Others provide a stipend to support employees who earn credentialing in skills useful to the organization.


Employers freely contribute staff time, professional skills and company resources to local organizations.

Some offer employees time off to volunteer during the workday. Others coordinate service days for their staff to work together on large group projects.

Self-directed learning

Employees take the initiative to diagnose their learning needs, formulate learning objectives, and identify human and material resources for learning.

ted speaks

Twenty minute educational videos created from a presentation at the main TED (technology, entertainment, design) conference or one of its many satellite events around the world

internet resources

Online educational programs.

What staff development options does your organization offer? Are there others that I should have included?

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