Robbery in Arizona is considered a more serious crime than burglary and shoplifting, primarily because it involves the use of force as a means of achieving the offender’s goals.

Since robbery is a victim crime, it is considered very serious in Arizona and carries severe penalties. The freedom you enjoyed prior to arrest is sure to be much less after a theft conviction.

With all the potential negative ramifications that come with a theft accusation, whether legal, social, or professional, an informed and aggressive approach to your defense strategy is vital. Having capable legal counsel and a solid game plan can make all the difference in a case like this. Failing to take the necessary steps to clear your name can put you in a difficult position with the likelihood of jail time and fines much more likely.

However, before anything else, it is important that you understand the Arizona laws that govern the act of theft, along with the possible penalties that come with a conviction. This will allow a better understanding of the seriousness of a theft charge and hopefully an idea of ​​how to approach this serious and complicated situation.

Theft under Arizona Law

According to Arizona Revised Statutes §13.1902, a person commits robbery if, in the course of taking any property of another person against his will, that person threatens or uses force with the intent to compel the surrender of property or to avoid resistance.

The specific definitions of words included in the robbery and aggravated robbery statutes in Arizona are as follows:

• Force means any physical act directed against a person as a means of gaining control of property.
• Threat means a verbal or physical threat of imminent physical harm to a person.

A felony robbery can become aggravated robbery under ARS §13.1903 when:

• One or more achievements that are physically present during the robbery assist the defendant in committing the criminal act;
• There is serious bodily harm involved in the theft; Prayed
• If a weapon is used during the commission of the robbery, which is also known as armed robbery.

Theft in the state of Arizona is punishable as a felony. Depending on the circumstances of the alleged crime, an alleged criminal may be charged with robbery, aggravated robbery, or armed robbery.

According to ARS § 13.1902, a basic crime of theft is generally a class 4 felony, which can result in the following punishments: First time offender: 1 to 3.75 years in prison and/or $750 to $150,000 in fines; Second time offender – 2.25 to 7.5 years in prison and/or $750 to $150,000 in fines; not eligible for parole; Third time offender – 6 to 15 years in prison and/or $750 to $150,000 in fines; not eligible for parole.

Aggravated Robbery, on the other hand, is classified under ARS § 13.1903 as a class 3 felony, which can result in a jail sentence of between 2 and 15 years in prison, and/or fines of between $750 and $150,000, depending of the offenders. previous criminal record.

The court considers additional factors when determining the length of the prison sentence and other penalties, including: mitigating or aggravating factors; gravity and nature of the theft; injury or harm to a victim and prior convictions.

With a detailed description of these basic laws and penalties, you should now understand the scope of this problem and, in turn, be committed to finding the most effective course of action for your particular situation.

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