There are three general categories of dispatcher rakes: manual, towed, and motorized, also known as electric rakes. While they differ in price, size, and operation, they will all remove excessive thatch buildup from your lawn when used correctly.

Manual dispatcher rakes. A good quality hand rake should be among everyone’s lawn care tools. They are only about $30 for a well made rake that will continue to do a good job for 10 years or more. These rakes look similar to the more common garden or leaf rake, but the tines are very sharp on both edges. They are easy to use: simply place the bottom of the tines on top of the soil and pull the rake through the thatch layer towards your body. The straw will come out better if you vary the direction of your movements. It can take a bit of time to do a large amount of grass this way, especially if the thatch layer is very thick, but most lawns are fine with regular hand-trimming. These rakes are also great for attacking places that build thatch more quickly in between general lawn weeding or for working anywhere that has been overlooked.

Towable straw rakes. Designed to be attached to a tractor’s three-point hitch or lawn mower, these aerators are wider and cover more ground at a time than other types. For best results, go over the grass twice in a crisscross pattern. Always make sure the aerator is positioned correctly before you start and check that the blades are at the proper depth.

Electric brushcutter rakes. These machines are powered by electric or gas motors and resemble lawn mowers. The blades along the bottom are adjustable. The best models contain various height and width settings that allow versatility for the type of grass and the thickness of the layer of thatch. After adjusting the blades, start removing the straw and then stop to check that they are skimming the surface and lifting the straw correctly. Go crossing diagonal or perpendicular rows to completely remove the straw. Some machines have a collection box that will save you from having to rake the removed straw. These aerators can be expensive to purchase (from one to several thousand dollars), but they rent for around $50 for half a day.

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