Hair removal treatments are the methods used to remove hair from different parts of the human body, these parts commonly include the abdomen, armpits, back, chest, eyebrows, face, legs, head and neck. pubic area. A wide range of hair removal products and hair removal treatments are available on the market. Hair removal treatments can be divided into six main classes Temporary, Permanent, Hair Growth Inhibitors, Experimental or Prohibited Treatments, Doubtful Methods.

Temporary Hair Removal Treatments
Temporary hair removal treatments include both hair removal and hair removal epilation treatments. Hair removal is the removal of hair by shaving or trimming with manual or electric razors. Shaving creams or powders are also used as depilatory methods; chemically dissolve the hair leaving the skin soft. Rubbing against rough surfaces is another temporary method of hair removal. While the depilatory treatment provides longer lasting results. In the hair removal treatment, all the hair is removed from the root. Hair removal treatment can be performed in different ways. Some of them are as follows

The hair is pulled out with tweezers.

hair removal
Layers of hot or cold wax are applied to the hairs to be removed and then removed with the strip of cotton cloth.

It is very similar to waxing. A sticky paste is used instead of wax and it is also removed in the same way that wax is removed.

It is also hair removal with the help of twisted threads. This method is normally used to shape the eyebrows and remove facial hair.

The epilators are the mechanical tweezers that are fixed in a row. This device grabs the hairs and pulls them out very quickly.

Treatments for ingrown hair
Ingrown hair usually forms due to waxing, waxing, threading, and plucking. Ingrown hairs grow when the hair breaks under the skin and begins to grow into the skin. They appear as a small red swelling on the skin and cause irritation and a rash. Small sterile needles are used to remove hair and salicylic acid solutions are also used as a treatment to fix this problem. Salicylic acid solutions act as an exfoliant to treat these ingrown follicles.

Permanent hair removal treatments
Permanent hair removal treatments provide long-lasting results. Permanent hair removal includes various options for hair removal. These options use different chemicals and various types of energy or a combination of these two to work on specific areas and inhibit hair growth. During treatment care must be taken to avoid damaging surrounding tissues. These treatments include laser hair removal, electrolysis and flash lamp treatment.

laser hair removal treatment
It is the process of permanent hair removal. The laser targets the hair follicles and destroys them without damaging the skin. It is considered a safe treatment if performed by a qualified doctor. It is useful for large areas such as the back and legs. This treatment is more suitable for fair-skinned people with dark hair, the laser focuses on the pigmented hair follicles. It can be a painful and expensive treatment.

Hair growth inhibitor treatments
Treatment with hair growth inhibitors is the process in which doctors prescribe medications for oral and superfacial use. An enzyme drug Epiladerm-Complex is prescribed. It inhibits the growth of new hair cells. Hair growth slows and eventually stops. It is suggested to use this drug until hair growth stops completely. Another enzyme-based drug that is available to inhibit hair growth is Vaniga; its active component is eflornithine hydrochloride (inhibitor of the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase)

Experimental or Prohibited Hair Removal Treatments
These treatments include procedures that are harmful to health. They can cause health problems, leave skin blemished, and even cause death. X-ray hair removal is one such hair removal treatment. Photodynamic therapy is also one of the dangerous hair removal treatments. It is basically the medical technology that was initially used to treat cancer and is now used as a hair removal treatment. Its key components are photosensitizers, light, and tissue oxygen.

Doubtful treatment
Doubtful treatments are those that have been put into practice but whose efficiency and efficacy are not clinically proven. Such methods include:

o Electric tweezers
o Transdermal electrolysis
o Transcutaneous hair removal
o Photoepilators
or microwave
o Food and dietary supplements
o Non-prescription topical preparations (hair growth inhibitors)

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